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Upcoming Events

2249 E Burnside st.
Portland Oregon
new office
The Portland Central American Solidarity Committee meets twice monthly 
We are open to meeting new activists and strive
 to bond in solidarity with others who are
in the struggle with
the 21st Century
Social Revolution.
We welcome new folks who are interested in
making social change happen here in the US 
and in solidarity with Latin America
Contact us for the meeting times / place
New Delegation Videos !
Are still being uploaded from the trip to
Venezuela in 2009
The most recent video was posted
in January 2011
Check back often 
Eva Golinger
Comes to PDX
in May 2011
Sponsored by
Delegates Blogs
or Websites:

(updated 1.9.11)


Day 3 at the Art Museum
   with Eva Golinger
(see Eva in Portland in May 2011)
Day 4 in Caracs Venezuela


Contact Us

To Donate:

421days since
Caracas to Cascadia Event

Recent site activity


Recently updated on January 9 2011

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In September 2009 PCASC's anti-war delegation went to Venezuela. 
The trip was done as an effort to cultivate ties of international solidarity
between activists for peace and social justice in the United States and Venezuela. 
The delegation is part of an ongoing solidarity opportunity for
US peace activists here in Portland Oregon and the Venezuelan social movement.
To coordinate their work, with our work, across borders. 
United in pressuring the Obama Administration
to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and
end US intervention in Latin America. 
This website is to document our trip and to show our sucess in creating ties and unity for peace. 
As well as an outlet to share what we learned from our friends in Caracas Venezuela.
Delegates include Iraq War veterans, student organizers, community media activists and peace activists.
The pdxVenezuela delegate's went to Caracas in 2009, and since then, some have stayed or gone back.
We continue to meet as activist together montly and in cordination with the peace and justice movement in Latin America
*See left side bar - about exciting upcoming events in May 2011
Please Contact us and inquire about the 2011 Hands off Latin America Solidarity PCASC group:
Come to our meetings - Join in the HOLA resistance

[2009 Caracas] 
(All Nine Peace Rally Videos now online)
New videos are still being added one year latter

Our trip schedule



Wed August 11th at 7:00 pm

@ the Multnomah Friends Meetinghouse

(4312 S.E. Stark Street)

The Revolution in Crisis

Benji Lewis reports back from his experiences as a journalist in Caracas, Venezuela.

This Report Was Prezsented on 8.11.10 (And will be recorded)

Conspiracies, tortures, murders, corruption and false divides have plagued the oil laden country of Venezuela and its people for decades.  A backlash to the policies of the Washington Consensus turned the hand of a long, and often violently, suppressed revolutionary undertow into a mainstream political and social transformation led by Hugo Chavez.  Benji Lewis will be offering analysis and helping to facilitate an open discussion on just what is taking place in Venezuela and throughout the southern Americas.  The goods, the bads and the uglies are all to be brought to the table as we study a movement that has been on the verge of collapse from internal and external forces since its inception; yet - instead of collapsing - has managed to accomplish incredible aims in building a modern and just society.

Benji is an Iraq Veteran who publicly refused recall and redeployment orders and recently lived ten months in Venezuela working as a journalist. Benji plans to return to Venezuela to report from the frontlines of the accelerating hostility between US-backed Colombia and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.


Watch the complete presentation in two parts here:


Part 1

Part 2



(out-take poem by Benji Lewis)




pdxVenezuelan delegate Jaclyn invites you to:
"Caracas  to  Cascadia"
was on
Sunday, January 24 2010 
6:00 pm.
Jaclyn says, "Come hear about what I did in Venezuela!"
      "An eyewitness report the frontlines of Venezuelan "

 Red and Black Cafe

*NEW 1.13.10

Be Sure and See
all of the 
[2009 Caracas] 
VIDEOS From Our Trip
(All Nine Peace Rally Videos now online)
New videos are still being added one year latter

Our trip schedule





  PCASC Our Mothership website is here: 

YouTube Video



YouTube Video


 Caracas Venezuela CATIA TV Day 4 film presentation

Filmed in Portland oregon on 11.19.09

US AID Intervention and the Media
Filmed in Caracas Venezuela on Day 3 2009 

YouTube Video

A video that was filmed by Avila TV of our delegation
This interviews were recorded on september 12th 2009 in Parque Central, Caracas
More Avila TV click this link

 *NEW 11.8.09

YouTube Video

Venezuela beach and a new young friend
Music in this video is by our friends the
 Cascadia to Caracas Fundraiser
(8.15.10 - this link is no longer active)

 Our Facebook page


Our Blog


Our YouTube Page



*  ***********  *

To sign up to receive weekly Venezuela travel emails, visit:

*  ***********  *

Visit our pre-trip archive page


An Article by Shamus Cook
An Article by Mark Vorps

(3 parts)

click here to download Hugo Chavez Bio # 1

click here to download Hugo Chavez Bio # 2


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Hugo Chavez at Moscow University <video>

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Hugo Chavez speaks at the UN 9/09 <video>

click here to download file

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Media in Venezuela report  <video>
The Media & Journalist in Venezuela update 8.23.09

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PCASC's anti-war delegation to Venezuela
is an effort to cultivate ties of international solidarity
between activists for peace and social justice in the United States and Venezuela. 
This delegation will be an opportunity for
US peace activists and Venezuelan social movements
to coordinate their work,
especially in pressuring the Obama Administration
to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and
end US intervention in Latin America. 
Delegates include Iraq War veterans, student organizers, community media activists and peace activists.

Recent News

  • Why the U.S. Government Hates Venezuela Why the U.S. Government Hates Venezuela by Shamus Cook 8.4.09 The propaganda wheels are turning fast. The barrage of anti-Venezuela misinformation that began while Bush was ...
    Posted Aug 5, 2009 12:51 AM by pdxVenezuela PCASC
  • Foreign Policy: Facebook Police & Customs   Foreign Policy: Iran's Terrifying Facebook Policeby Evgeny Morozov <opinion>  Facebook website. AP, July 13, 2009 · A ...
    Posted Jul 17, 2009 10:13 AM by pdxVenezuela PCASC
  • A coup d’etat in Honduras   This is a news article about the Coup in Hondrus and information on Venezuela's response as well as the US Posted as a "newsItem" on 6.29.09   Caracas ...
    Posted Jun 29, 2009 2:05 PM by pdxVenezuela PCASC
  • HAPPY ANNIVERSARY PCASC! Come celebrate 30 years of fighting for justice and resisting US intervention in Latin America. food, music, and the chance to meet and reconnect ...
    Posted Jun 15, 2009 8:18 PM by pdxVenezuela PCASC
  • Our Interviews (8.13.09)   KBOO Radio interviews Joe Anybody about activism media and social justice   The mp3 download is here  <19 min>       (English)  Interview with San Francisco Consul General of Venezuela ...
    Posted Aug 14, 2009 9:36 AM by pdxVenezuela PCASC
Showing posts 1 - 5 of 11. View more »



These events and this Delegation to Venezuela
are all grass roots and funds are achieved by
 donations, fundraiser, and personal contributions
by the delegate members.
We are a group that is working under PCASC
which is located in Portland Oregon USA.
 To contact or make any contributions in solidarity
of our September 2009 Peace and Media Delegation
Please follow this link:
Please notify PCASC by email
to let them know
if you make a donation
to our Venezuela group
or feel free to write to us snail mail at:
311 N. Ivy St. Portland, OR 97227
  Checks can be made out to
"Education Without Borders"
Your contribution is a tax deductable donation
that helps with solidarity issues in Latin America


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